Thursday 28 September 2017

How to transfer money from SBI to Gramin Bank or Rural Bank

Hello frineds, i am going to show you how to transfer 32000 rupees from SBI to other gramin Bank. today everyone have using internet banking so i think this video will surely helpful for you. please see above video or click here for money transfer guidance.  Hope you will  like this video and after like this video i am sure you will do not leave without hitting subscribe button. 

Saturday 23 September 2017

Free online Computer courses

Hey friends if you are looking online computer courses then here is good news for you..we are starting online guidance like MS word, MS excel, MS power point and many other essential courses. This video guidance absolutely free for all of you for video guidance you have to click here or you can visit My YouTube Channel

Thursday 21 September 2017

How to link Aadhar card to Bank Account

friends if you don'nt have linked your Aadhar number to Bank account yet then just go for online bank and do linked right now...if you didn't know how to link then watch above video or click here for more information. if you think this video may be helpful for you then don't leave without Subscribe My YouTube Channel. 

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Make passport size photos less than 4 minutes

Here is the tricks how to make passport size photographs less than 4 minutes..just watch above video or click here for video guidance and do not forget to subscribe my youtube channel

Saturday 16 September 2017

Follow these steps to get online Birth Certificate

hello friends if you want to get online birth certificate then watch above entire video and follow the instruction or just CLICK HERE for video guidance..after watching this video you will able to download Birth certificate, and do not forget to share this video on your facebook time line or twitter handle because your one share can help to other who are searching information like this

Monday 11 September 2017

How to earn money from home

If you are reading this text then you are in right place. Desire to earn money ? okay let me explain what you need firstly you have to need laptop and internet connection then there is lot of opportunities are waiting for you, you have to grab it. Have you skil of data entry..good  then just search this website, here is the place where you got the data entry work. now question is how does it work, then please watch above video or CLICK HERE for quick guidance. for more visual guidance visit My YouTube Channel.

Sunday 10 September 2017

Want to get online ration card? Follow this steps

ration card is so important for daily routine, for residential proof, admission in the school, passport and many other services like this, ration card is important. And oh.. getting  Kerosene, grains and many other government schemes it's so important. Sound is good..! now you thing how to get it online, right! Okay, here is the tricks how to apply ration card online. watch above video or CLICK HERE for entire guidance...and please do subscribe My YouTube Channel 

Government Schemes GR download or see online.

Many people deprived from benefits of government schemes due to lack of information about schemes. i am trying to help those people who want to know their rights and want to take benefits of government various schemes through video. i have made a video regarding on this issue. Some government officers did not giving entire information about government schemes to common man hence the poor's did not able to take benefits of that schemes. i am trying to help them, watch above video or CLICK HERE for information. After watching this video you will able to see online all government schemes GR or you can download it...and of course..if you liked this video then do not live without subscribe my youtube channel.

Tuesday 5 September 2017


Income certificate is so important for students, and its available on online. to get your income certificate please visit to government web portal Aple sarkar but you didn't know how to fill online form of caste certificate then don't worry i am here for your help watch above video or CLICK HERE for help and get your's income certificate today. if you like this video or this video makes you help to get income certificate then please subscribe my youtube channel.

कोळेगाव येथे गणरायांना निरोप.

भोकरदन तालुक्यातील कोळेगाव येथे शांततेत गणपती विसर्जन करण्यात आले. गणपती स्थापने पासून ते विसर्जनापर्यंतच्या काळात गावामध्ये धार्मिक आणि उत्साहवर्धक वातावरण असते. गणपती स्थापनेपासून ते विसर्जनापर्यंतच्या काळात विविध सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम राबविले जातात. यामध्ये समाज प्रबोधनपर कीर्तने, शालेय विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी वेगवेगळ्या स्पर्धा, भारुडे. भजने इत्यादींचा समावेश असतो. गणपती विसर्जनाच्या दिवशी गावकऱ्यांच्या वतीने सामुहिक भंडाऱ्याचे आयोजन करण्यात आले होते. गणरायाची आरती करून सजविलेल्या बैलगाडीतून गावभर मिरवणूक काढण्यात आली. गावातील आबालवृद्धानी हिरीरीने गणरायांच्या मिरवणुकीमध्ये सहभाग नोंदविला. विशेष बाब म्हणजे कोळेगाव येथे डी.जे. बँडबाजा किंवा तत्सम बाबतीत नाचण्यावर मागील पंधरा वर्षापासून पूर्णपणे बंदी घालण्यात आलेली आहे आणि याचे काटेकोरपणे पालन देखील होत आहे परंतु गणेशोत्सव, नवरात्रोत्सव, यात्रा असे सामुहिक कार्यक्रम यासाठी अपवाद असल्यामुळे गणपती मिरवणुकीत तरुणांनी यथेच्छ नाचण्याचा आनंद लुटला. एक गाव एक गणपती ही संकल्पना मागील दहा वर्षापासून कोळेगाव येथे राबविली जात आहे आणि यापुढेही चालू ठेवण्याचा गावकऱ्यांच्या मानस आहे.